tasked Red Havas with launching the new AO Mobile. Red Havas was briefed to create national noise around the launch and raise awareness of this new entry into the mobile phone market.
AO Mobile: Phone Lane
The Challenge

The Solution
Red Havas looked at consumer behaviour about how people used their phones and found an area of cultural tension – people constantly using their phones, even when they are walking. Red Havas came up with the concept of the UK’s first-ever mobile phone lane to help ‘phone zombies’ walk and swipe safely and we found the ideal location to launch it, next to AO’s offices in Spinningfields, Manchester.
Working with the AO Press Office, we created an activation which saw the lanes created in the busy business district. We shot content the evening of the installation, allowing us to share the footage overnight with broadcast and media and allowing us to open the lane early the next day for the media and public.
The Results
Content, social, mobile, consumer, national